Thursday, April 7, 2011

fun. Is Just Amazing

So, today I was looking for the sheet music for The Gambler by fun. and I couldn't find it ANYWHERE. I Googled it and scrolled through a bunch of options, none of which were the least bit helpful. Now, I hate YouTube tutorials; I don't know why, but for some reason they just bother me. But, since I'm dedicated (ikr? xD) I resorted//resolved to click on one. It looked promising enough, but it sounded just a little wrong, and I didn't know why. Also, he was playing on a pretty bad piano, which I honestly think can sound cool, but not when you're teaching. And, I know it shouldn't really matter, but it's just kind of icing, ya know? Anyway I clicked on the second one, and THERE WAS ANDREW HIMSELF!! Just like teaching me how to play The Gambler!! So, now if anyone says, "Are you sure that's right?" I can just be like, "Psha! Andrew taught me!" And they'll be like, "Who's Andrew; Andrew who??" at which point I'll be like, "WHAT?!" and proceed to explain to them everything I know about fun.. I swear they're my new Discovery xD

I'm going to their show in Atlanta on May 27, right after I bleach and color my hair with every color under the sun! I'ma order their album on vinyl and get them to sign it :]]]
I love you guys <3 :)

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