Saturday, October 29, 2011

Some Photos by A?!

Kim, Sienna, Shellie


Kaylyn, Trevor, Sienna

Sienna, Kim

Adam, Oliver, Emma

Arden, Destin





Madison, Megan, Kaylyn

Austin, Kaylyn

Sienna, Austin

'Twas my birthday roll.
Photos by: Adam Reid, Kaylyn York, Austin Motlow, some unknown
Photos taken: Remlap/Hoover, AL
By A?! Photography
Taken with a Lomography Fisheye No. 2 on Kodak 400 film.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

J Bennett Fitts

This guy is pretty much amazing. He basically takes pictures of things that have no business being photographed so he can make a point. Take a gander, I'm sure you'll love what you see.
This is from his series entitled "No Lifeguard On Duty." He basically went around California taking pictures of abandoned swimming pools....yum. XD
From his series entitled "Golf." Just cuz.
This is from "Industrial Landscape[ing]." I believe what he was trying to say is, "You've made something ugly, quit 'trying' to spruce it up with something that actually looks good." Or he just thought it was funny - the puny little trees, I don't know; I won't speak for him. XD
This is from "Images From the Center Of the Contiguous United States." It's just that awesome.

Have fun! :D

Thursday, April 7, 2011

fun. Is Just Amazing

So, today I was looking for the sheet music for The Gambler by fun. and I couldn't find it ANYWHERE. I Googled it and scrolled through a bunch of options, none of which were the least bit helpful. Now, I hate YouTube tutorials; I don't know why, but for some reason they just bother me. But, since I'm dedicated (ikr? xD) I resorted//resolved to click on one. It looked promising enough, but it sounded just a little wrong, and I didn't know why. Also, he was playing on a pretty bad piano, which I honestly think can sound cool, but not when you're teaching. And, I know it shouldn't really matter, but it's just kind of icing, ya know? Anyway I clicked on the second one, and THERE WAS ANDREW HIMSELF!! Just like teaching me how to play The Gambler!! So, now if anyone says, "Are you sure that's right?" I can just be like, "Psha! Andrew taught me!" And they'll be like, "Who's Andrew; Andrew who??" at which point I'll be like, "WHAT?!" and proceed to explain to them everything I know about fun.. I swear they're my new Discovery xD

I'm going to their show in Atlanta on May 27, right after I bleach and color my hair with every color under the sun! I'ma order their album on vinyl and get them to sign it :]]]
I love you guys <3 :)

Friday, March 18, 2011



This album perfectly describes this past school year. And, honestly, it's just a work of musical genius. So, I suggest you take an hour out of your "busy" or "interesting" life, and listen to this ablum.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Photo//Song of the Day

Totally ripped this off the inner booklet of the Discovery album when I made it... But, ya know, whatever. It's still pretty cool. :)

It's also the Song of the Day today!
