Sunday, January 9, 2011

Photo//Song of the Day

Totally ripped this off the inner booklet of the Discovery album when I made it... But, ya know, whatever. It's still pretty cool. :)

It's also the Song of the Day today!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Photo by: Kaylyn York, Adam Reid
Photo taken: The Summit (Birmingham)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Photos by A?!

Adam, Travis

Travis, Kaylyn

Adam, Serena






Photos by: Adam Reid (some unknown)
Photos taken: The Complex
By A?! Photography

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

More Pictures


 Andy, Trevelyn




 Cynthia, Stella








Photos by: Adam Reid
Photos taken: Birmingham, Alabama
By A?! Photography

Oh My God

Here are two videos that are likely to make you say, "Oh my God."

The first one is entitled "Pilipinos do hab sols!"

Here it is:

The second one is entitled "Why" by Yoko Ono.

Here it is:

And here's the link to St. Vincent's song called "Oh My God" which is enjoyable:

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Quotes of the Night

"I find that the things that give us personality we reject because they make us uncomfortable, but why should they make us uncomfortable if they're part of who we are? If they are what make us who we are and how we are, then shouldn't we accept them with an open mind? No. Because of fear, most will never become truly who they are. We can't accept the one thing about us that we fear in others, so we in turn push all other aspects of ourselves away. We fear ourselves, so why should we be ourselves?...We shouldn't teach our children fear. We should teach them openness and acceptance. Our children shouldn't grow up 'hating' or 'being against' things that are not inherently bad because we feared too much to teach them they were okay. We are teaching our children to be closed-minded. If you are closed off to the world, you cannot be open to yourself. How can anyone be themselves when they are being reared to think they are not allowed?"
